Don’t Throw That Away!!

Hi there, it’s been a while since my last post. Sorry about that.

Do you ever find yourself with leftover fruit at the end of the week, or things that are overripe, that you haven’t gotten around to using up??

Does it end up going slimy or getting mouldy, because you couldn’t find anything to do with it??

That’s what I used to end up doing, which would really annoy me, not to mention my Dad, who pays for the majority of it..

So I’m really pleased that I’ve found things to do with my extra, overripe fruits and vegetables. It’s really simple and I don’t know how it didn’t come to mind before, really.

I just started putting together all ((or most of, depending on combinations)) the things together and seeing what I could make of them. Sometimes I’ll have a load of apples and some greens and veg that need using, so I’ll make a big juice or smoothie. Occasionally it’ll be too many bananas, just on the edge of going overripe, so I’ll freeze as many as I can for other recipes, or just make a huge smoothie and throw in some frozen fruit or something. Here are some recipes I’ve made with leftovers and overripe fruit ((and veg)) in the past..

Mango, Berries n Citrus Bowl

28.03.2013 - Mango n Frozen Raspberries in OJ

This was a breakfast I had a couple of months ago. It’s simply a couple of “overripe”, bruised mangoes, cut up into a bowl, saving about 1/2 of one that I threw into the blender with some orange juice, then mixed in some frozen raspberries. I have mad this a few times now, once blending the raspberries into the “sauce” to make a cool coulis 😉 . Give it a try!! If you have them, tangerines work best for the OJ 🙂 .

Peachy Green Smoothie

20.09.2012 - Peachy Green Smoothie

This green smoothie was made up from leftovers, too. It’s on my other blog, MySparX if you’re interested in a Peachy Green Smoothie 🙂

Strawberry, Banana n Mango Blast

18.02.2013 - Mango, Banana n Frozen Strawberries

This one was amazing!! I always have frozen fruits in the house, so that I can’t be cut short. Here I chopped up 2 mangoes and 3 bananas. Put 1 of the mangoes and one of the bananas in the blender with some frozen strawberries, blitzed and poured it over the rest. Definitely one I’ll be making again!!

Apple n Kiwi Mix-Up

13.04.2013 - Apples n Kiwis, half Pulsed

Pretty simple one again. I just grabbed my “on the turn” kiwis ((about 8, though I had to throw one away because Bandit thought that it looked like a fun toy when it rolled away from me..)) and the last 4 apples from my box, roughly chopped the apples, peeled and chopped the kiwis. I put half of them in a bowl, pulse-blended the other half, then mixed it up in a bowl. Yes, I do this a LOT, but it’s fun to eat and you’ll always get a different texture!!

I’ll add these to my recipes link, though they’re really not difficult and can hardly be called recipes 😉 .

I hope that this post helps you and shows you that you don’t need to throw away or waste any foods on your high-carb vegan lifestyle 🙂 . Remember, if you’ve got produce that needs using, think of what you can do with it first. Before you throw it out, spend a few minutes thinking of what you can do with it/them.

What good combinations do you have?? If you have a lot of sweeter fruits, like bananas, figs, dates, persimmons, etc., make up some smoothies or “puddings” or half-blended recipes for an interesting texture. Have more acidic fruits, like oranges, apples, kiwis, pineapples?? Do the same. Try a few different combinations and see what you like. You don’t need fancy recipes with 10+ ingredients. Your body will thank you for the simplicity!!

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